This is a webring for people who make OCs!
What is an OC and why you should make them
OC is short for original character. They're characters created by yourself.
They could be characters in a comic/novel/game project you're working on, or fan characters of some franchise, or just characters existing on their own. They could be this one imaginary friend of yours, or hundreds of characters inside a vast universe. They can have cool designs and a bunch of drawings, or having only written descriptions that showcase their personality. They can have a bunch of stuff surrounding them that everyone could read, or mostly exist in your head.
Every character is a unique creation born out of love by their creator(s). (Unless they're some sci-fi lab-made clone. Then they're ontologically not unique.) Even if they bear similarities to an existing character or person you've seen, that does not mean the creator copied that character. Remember this please.
We love our OCs and we want the best for them, so that's why we deliberately put them through hell and give them a bunch of trauma spend most of our waking hours thinking about them. You should go make some too. It's fun!
What is a webring
A webring is a ring of websites. Duh.
Think of a bunch of websites standing in a circle holding hands. The hand that connects them together would be the "prev" and "next" links on each site that people can click around. And also "random," yeah, that too.
A webring can be general-purposed, where any website can join; or be focused on a specific topic, like OCs for this one.
Webrings are a nice way to pile sites with similar topics and people with similar interests together, so that they're easier to discover. Imagine, if you like OCs, and you're reading this really cool OC website, thinking to yourself, "boy I wish I could find more websites like this!" And then you find that the website you're on is in an OC webring. Now you have discovered all those OC sites in that ring!
What is mine and what isn't
Most content on this site is made by myself. What isn't:
- I use 11ty as a static site generator.
- Some code is inspired by (read: copied from) StackOverflow, W3C, and Grepper answers.
- The hosting is provided by either Github Pages or Neocities, depending on where you are.
- The widget code, though, always points you to Github Pages.
- The text and background colors are from Cohost's color scheme.
- The swirly background is from CSS-Patterns.
- 中文字体用的是霞鹜文楷 v1.501。