Hillslope Mysteries
Sparky investigates the murder of Amulet and the assault on Starry. She digs up more than she was supposed to.
By order of importance:
Sparky investigates the murder of Amulet and the assault on Starry. She digs up more than she was supposed to.
Sparky makes friends at school and struggles to catch up because she received like. Zero elementary school education. Also there's a kleptomaniac who keeps stealing her pens.
The kids find a nuke in the basement of an abandoned house. The Ministry of State Security gets involved. So begins a tug-of-war over the ownership of the nuke.
The friends send a kidnapped girl home, all the way across the continent. When the journey ends, everything stays the same, and yet no one is the same anymore.
Elegance gets kidnapped. Sparky refuses to leave her side and also gets kidnapped.
Paperweight retires. His apprentice Goose drives him to the Fantoni border. Paperweight opens his tightly-sealed box of memories. This is an unfinished case that Goose has to complete.
Pumpkin flees to Westavia, seeking refuge at his grandparents' old village, and meeting a more-than-friend along the way. But incidents happen in the village. How much longer can he keep his cover before Westavian intelligence finds out? Or worse, Bauhinian?
A group of outlaws escape the country. betrayals happen and they all get caught instead.