The Iron Ragdoll



Grouchy old guy who hates fun.


If a certain field is missing or not specific enough, then it is open to interpretation.

For example, if a character's sexuality is not given, then you can let it be anything you want.

And if the "gender" field only says "Male" or "Female" without specifying further, it means that the character presents as either male or female.

However, please do not stray away from information that is given!

The "Age estimation" is for characters without a specific birthday. "Around the same as" means that they're less than a year apart -- if they went to school together they would be in the same grade. "A little younger/older" means they're probably 2 - 5 years apart.

Marital status
State security officer
Time precision lv. 350



Paperweight is an officer at the Ministry of State Security but is going to retire soon.

He is constantly angry at everything at once but nothing in particular. Also he's homophobic as snabbergatt.

He usually maintains a very calm and authoritative composure to others, especially the people he deals with at work -- spies, moles, and pesky annoying kids. But to people he knows, like his subordinates, he constantly yells at them.

He misses the old times when he could actually run without his knees screaming murder and shoot a gun without his hands shaking. This is why he hates young people -- because he's kind of jealous.


A Nuke From Moreland

Canon - 103

The kids find a nuke in the basement of an abandoned house. The Ministry of State Security gets involved. So begins a tug-of-war over the ownership of the nuke.

Paperweight's Roadtrip

Canon - 201

Paperweight retires. His apprentice Goose drives him to the Fantoni border. Paperweight opens his tightly-sealed box of memories. This is an unfinished case that Goose has to complete.

Paperweight's Backstory

Canon - 307

Paperweight's backstory.


Goose (apprentice)

Paperweight is constantly annoyed that Goose didn't live up to his expectations.


Paperweight hates Pumpkin because he's so annoying. Also because he's jealous at how Pumpkin was smarter and stronger than him. And that he's mad at himself for growing old.

If Pumpkin pulled out a boba tea in front of him, he would take it and dump the entire thing down the drain while forcing Pumpkin to watch.

Also he thinks Pumpkin is a weirdo because Paperweight is homophobic as snabbergatt.

Pumpkin quite reveres Paperweight, and is especially curious about the "legend" he created. At the same time he was also scared of him, because snabbergatt knows how he's going to be tortured if Paperweight finds out about his treason.


  • He canonically speaks Cantonese. He's the only character who does, and other characters don't find anything off about it.
  • 楼人嘎说粤语。
  • He has a little "my goddamn leash of curses" which is a medicine box, the kind that has cells arranged in three rows (for breakfast, lunch, and dinner) and seven columns (from Monday to Sunday). You put the required amount of pills in each box at the start of every week and take the pills as scheduled. He hates it to the guts.

Color palette

#2E2E2E soul
#F01ACE shoulder pads
#8C1078 boots
#C5C5C5 hat symbol petal
#A7A7A7 hat symbol border
#888888 hair
#CAA740 young hair

Drawing Permissions

(Nearly identical to my Artfight permissions anyways.)

Character Permissions

Applies to all four MSS characters.

  • They wear white gloves! You can take those off if you want but just don't forget about it like I often do.
  • You can change the uniform design, but:
    • Keep it a dark color.
    • Have the Bauhinian pink (#F01ACE) appear somewhere.
    • Make sure they're still wearing a uniform, and not casual clothes.

Global Permissions

  • The marks on the girls' faces are eyelashes, not face paint! In my art style girls have eyelashes and boys don't (cartoon logic) but feel free to do whatever you like to do in your style! (Including drawing it as face paint; just tell me so I know you didn't mistake the eyelashes for face paint.)
  • None of my characters have real-world skin colors! Their races are just whether they have ears or horns on their heads, so everyone's skin color is the same.
  • You can draw whatever color you want as long as:
    • It's human-colors or literal black / white / gray.
    • Make sure all of them are the same if you draw more than one of my character together.
    • (My default is Asian though for your reference.)
  • The same applies to hair color. Default black, make sure all of them have the same color.
  • Please color pick their accents (hex values above).
  • The highlights on their hair are parts of the design, and are optional.
  • Go wild:
    • Basically anything not mentioned in Don't. This involves:
      • Gore (any type).
      • Draw them interacting with each other (mine, yours, or anyone else's).
      • Change anything about them (outfit, gender, species, whatever) (just make sure I can still tell who it is).
    • Go wild!
  • Don't:
    • NSFW, 18+, whatever.
      • This involves artistic nudity.
      • Or anything that sexualizes them.
      • And shipping (except Sparky and Nightsun (not even other canon pairs)) (friendly interaction is, of course, allowed).
    • Hateful stuff, duh.



The Iron Ragdoll by Tofutush is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0